National Association of Colored Women's Clubs


Our Youth Clubss

The National Association of Youth Clubss

The National Association of Colored Girls was founded by Mrs. Sallie W. Stewart in 1930 Hot Springs, AR. The name was later changed to the National Association of Girls Clubss (NAGC). The Motto for the girls is "Know Thyself". The emblem represents the four leaf clover, the fourfold development of girls - Mind, Soul, Body, Race.

The National Association of Boys Clubs (NABC) was organized in Norfolk, Virginia on July 30, 1984 by Mrs. Otelia E. Champion. The Boys Motto is "Service With a Plan". The emblem is Ladder to Success which represents moving up as the pitfalls of life are surmounted: improving and utilizing the mind to the fullest; developing and maintaining a sound healthy body which is the basis of wealth and happiness: upholding the legacy and promise of our race while seeking the highest ideals for our souls as we serve our God and our fellow man.

The NAGC and NABC merged and are now the National Association of Youth Clubss. Youth Clubss must be sponsored by an adult Clubs of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubss. Each Clubs formulates bylaws to suit the needs of the locality. There must be a supervisor for each Clubs. Upon recommendation of a sponsoring Clubs, youth are accepted for membership.

The Chronological Grouping for Age Appropriate Goals and Tasks:

     Peitites - Ages 5-8
     Pre-Teen Division - Ages 9 -12
     Junior Division - Ages 13 -18

The National Association of Youth Clubss Calendar of Events include:

     September - Back to School Planning and Rush Party
     October - Induction Ceremony; National Pancake Day and Make a Difference Day
     November - Thanksgiving
     December - Christmas Operation, Bags for Children, Kwanza Celebration
     January - Emancipation Day, Martin Luther King Day, Volunteer Month
     February - Frederick Douglass Day, African American History Month, Heart Month
     March - Hallie Q. Brown Birthday, Education Day, Know Your State
     April - Family Togetherness, March of Dimes Drive, Minority Health, Big Help Day
     May - National Worship Sunday
     June - Supervisor's Appreciation, Youth Recognition Day
     July/August - Vacation

Regional Conventions are held in the odd number years and National convention are on the even numbered years.

The youth participate in leadership skill development, the Gertrude Johnson Williams Oratorical Contest, the Frederick Douglass Essay Contest: Talent, Fashion; Arts and Crafts; Web site design; Powerpoint Presentation and Scrap Book Contests. Two scholarships per region are available for a boy and girl.

The Outstanding Youth of the Year may be male or female between the ages of 14 and 18. They are judged on:

  1. Regular attendance, dependable and responsible as a member of their Clubss
  2. Outstanding student academically
  3. Personal attributes - Civic minded; religious and moral upright, kind and courteous to all, A sense of pride
  4. Statement of purpose and life's ambition in an essay

Pre teens participate in a Penny Queen and King Contest. The Presidents of the Boys and Girls are a part of the Mr. and Miss NAYC March.

Mrs. Peggie Myles is the National Supervisor of Youth; assisted by Mrs. Eva Owens and Mr. Lester Spady.